We offer three modes of service and support for growing impact enterprises
Capital Raising
We help you raise and manage debt capital
We are a registered Intermediary member of LendForGood, the soon to launch digital platform for crowd-lending
We offer a structured process for working out your capital needs and onboarding you and your deal to LendForGood
Once your deal is fulfilled we continue to support you until you’ve successfully repaid your loan
Business Support
We can help you with business support to work on your development and growth
Support fees structured on a monthly recurring basis
Capital raising support can be included, for a reduced capital raising fee
We can also pin our fees to amount of growth help you achieve
We work with you to design the kind of support you need from us and the most affordable package for you
Advisory Services
We co-design our advisory services support working with you to understand the impact challenge you are meeting and the best role we can play to help you meet it
We can assist with
Problem definition
Theories of change
Solution design
We have super competitive fees for our advisory services and are always happy to explore innovative ways of sharing value